Help on module fcp2shk:

    fcp2shk - A customizable script for converting a Final Cut Pro XML File to a Shake script.


    This resultant Shake script is intended to be a starting point for the final Digitial Intermediate, not a complete conversion of a Final Cut Pro Sequence to a Shake file.
    A cut list is also generated for error checking and reparsing purposes.

    class fcpParser(xmllib.XMLParser)
     |  This Final Cut Pro XML Parser is based on xmllib.XMLParser which is now obsolete?!? This needs to be converted to use xml.sax instead.
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __init__(self)
     |      Initialise the XMLParser object and data needed for this parser.
     |  findReelPath(self, name)
     |      If a clip is used more than once, it will not have the reel and filename listed more than once, so we need to find it from a previous clip.
     |  getclips(self)
     |      Returns the array of clips
     |  handle_data(self, data)
     |      Handle the textual 'data' that is inside the xml tags.
     |  parse(self, s)
     |      Parse the given string 's'.
     |  push(self)
     |      This pushes a clip into an internal clip array
     |  unknown_endtag(self, tag, attrs=None)
     |      Detects end tags like 
     |  unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs=None)
     |      Detects start tags like 
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Methods inherited from xmllib.XMLParser:
     |  close(self)
     |      # Interface -- handle the remaining data
     |  feed(self, data)
     |      # Interface -- feed some data to the parser.  Call this as
     |      # often as you want, with as little or as much text as you
     |      # want (may include '\n').  (This just saves the text, all the
     |      # processing is done by goahead().)
     |  finish_endtag(self, tag)
     |      # Internal -- finish processing of end tag
     |  finish_starttag(self, tagname, attrdict, method)
     |      # Internal -- finish processing of start tag
     |  getnamespace(self)
     |      # Interface - return a dictionary of all namespaces currently valid
     |  goahead(self, end)
     |      # Internal -- handle data as far as reasonable.  May leave state
     |      # and data to be processed by a subsequent call.  If 'end' is
     |      # true, force handling all data as if followed by EOF marker.
     |  handle_cdata(self, data)
     |      # Example -- handle cdata, could be overridden
     |  handle_charref(self, name)
     |      # Example -- handle character reference, no need to override
     |  handle_comment(self, data)
     |      # Example -- handle comment, could be overridden
     |  handle_doctype(self, tag, pubid, syslit, data)
     |      # Overridable -- handle DOCTYPE
     |  handle_endtag(self, tag, method)
     |      # Overridable -- handle end tag
     |  handle_proc(self, name, data)
     |      # Example -- handle processing instructions, could be overridden
     |  handle_starttag(self, tag, method, attrs)
     |      # Overridable -- handle start tag
     |  handle_xml(self, encoding, standalone)
     |      # Overridable -- handle xml processing instruction
     |  parse_attributes(self, tag, i, j)
     |      # Internal -- parse attributes between i and j
     |  parse_cdata(self, i)
     |      # Internal -- handle CDATA tag, return length or -1 if not terminated
     |  parse_comment(self, i)
     |      # Internal -- parse comment, return length or -1 if not terminated
     |  parse_doctype(self, res)
     |      # Internal -- handle DOCTYPE tag, return length or -1 if not terminated
     |  parse_endtag(self, i)
     |      # Internal -- parse endtag
     |  parse_proc(self, i)
     |      # Internal -- handle a processing instruction tag
     |  parse_starttag(self, i)
     |      # Internal -- handle starttag, return length or -1 if not terminated
     |  reset(self)
     |      # Interface -- reset this instance.  Loses all unprocessed data
     |  setliteral(self, *args)
     |      # For derived classes only -- enter literal mode (CDATA)
     |  setnomoretags(self)
     |      # For derived classes only -- enter literal mode (CDATA) till EOF
     |  syntax_error(self, message)
     |      # Example -- handle relatively harmless syntax errors, could be overridden
     |  translate_references(self, data, all=1)
     |      # Interface -- translate references
     |  unknown_charref(self, ref)
     |  unknown_entityref(self, name)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data and other attributes inherited from xmllib.XMLParser:
     |  attributes = {}
     |  elements = {}
     |  entitydefs = {'amp': '&', 'apos': ''', 'gt': '>', 'lt': '&...
    class shkFileCreator
     |  This class creates a customized Shake file by passing an array of clips that have been parsed from a file.
     |  The array of clips should contain a dictionary with this data in it:
     |          clipinfo['in'], clipinfo['out']         in and out of the clip
     |          clipinfo['start'], clipinfo['end']      start and end in the track
     |          clipinfo['name']                        unique name of the clip (fcpParser names them 'clipname_shotnumber', i.e. apartment_2_shot54)
     |          clipinfo['cutnum']                      shot or cut number in the track
     |          clipinfo['filename']                    the complete path and filename of the file(s) being cut in
     |          clipinfo['reel']                        which reel this footage came from
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __init__(self)
     |      Initialise the the shkFileCreator object and data needed for this parser.
     |  addclip(self, clip)
     |      Generates SFileIn and IRetime nodes.
     |  addclips(self, clips)
     |      Main Function. Call from main procedure of program.
     |  removeForbiddenChars(self, text)
     |      Lots of shady characters make it into clip names, well this gets rid of them!
     |  sortByReel(self, a, b)
     |      Internal clip sorter.
     |  sortSelectDataByFrame(self, a, b)
     |      Internal select data sorter.
     |  writeFile(self, outputfile)
     |      Internal function to assemble the shake components and output the file

    DEBUG = 0
    __usage__ = '\nfcp2shk [xmlfile] [shakeoutput] [cutlistoutput]...otorc...